Run Pocketbase from Mobile

Host pocketbase directly from mobile ( Android / IOS )


Pocketbase is a cool alternative to Firebase, Appwrite, Supabase and other services like these, but what makes it cool is, how easy it is to setup with just a few clicks, pocketbase is written in GO and uses SQLite for the backend, and provides ready to use executables, so we can just download those and run, That's it

About Pocketbase Mobile

Well this idea of running a server with just one click is cool but it would be helpful if we want to test our app which is built using Pocketbase anywhere without hosting it or without our pc or if we want to build a server that is actually in our pockets, in that case, we can use pocketbase mobile, well this is just the android and ios frameworks built using pocketbase go framework with the help of gomobile

You can download our app to test it quickly ( only Android version is published yet ), or you can build your own, because it's open source,

There is an Android native version of this app, which you can find here

or you can build your own from scratch using the Android and ios frameworks, which you can find here

I have also built a cool chat app using Pocketbase with all chat functionalities, make sure to check out that app, and you can use Pocketbase Mobile to run this chat app, and use it anywhere with just your mobile

Feel free to play around with the app, remember the whole source code is hosted on GitHub,

Comments or Feedback are very appreciated! Thanks!